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Virtual Reality

Welcome back dear language learners and teachers, today we will make an investigation about the other latest techonological breakthrough in language learning and teaching. It is called Virtual reality. Let's see what is virtual reality first of all.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality is so similar to but so different from the real world. we can define virtual reality as the combination of fictions created using technology and reality and fantasy. It is a platform to which is designed to enhance people's learning experiences including the developing technology in education. It is the technology to create a simulated environment. By simulating, users can view, hear or touch the artificial world. The difference between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality is that Augmented Reality simulates appeared in real life; Virtual Reality creates an artificial environment for living.

How Can We Use It in Language Learning?

Virtual reality glasses aim to create a more immersive language learning environment.They offer a completely new experience - an experience that prompts users to enter a real virtual world where they can move, talk, make decisions and interact with the world around them.

There some virtual application which you can use in language learning and teaching.




In addition to these I will leave a few video links in here, if you want to learn more details about Virtual Reality:

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