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Updated: Jan 10, 2021

HELLLOOO everyone, I created my own language learning assistant via voki app. I can hear you saying 'What is voki?'. So lets get started.

What is Voki?

It is an application that allows you to create characters and make them speak. It allows you to share your work as you wish. It is a beneficial app for language learners. You can prepare quizzes and start a contest for an active classroom environment. In the app you can find timer, student grouping, flash card, games and more. The characters you create with Voki have the ability to voice texts written in many languages. In addition, with the difference of men and women in every language, the opportunity to vocalize with different accents of the language is offered. One of the biggest problems of students in foreign language lessons is speaking. Students often cannot put what they learn into production because they are afraid of making mistakes or because they are embarrassed. However, students of this type can vocalize a text they have read in their own voices via Voki to another character. Thus, the pressure and fear on them is reduced.

I will leave my voki for an example in here:

I hope you liked my review about voki. Stay tuned for new posts.

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